Leading in Circles

Effective, Passionate Leadership through improv comedy.

Leading others in circles is a bad idea if you’re lost in the woods, but it can be invaluable for leading your team and organization.

In an improv scene, there isn’t one person in charge, nor do we waste time taking a vote for the best idea. We all simply lead and follow at the same time, in the moment. Imagine effectively leading while following and supporting your team, who in turn, become leaders as they follow you. Leading in circles.

  • Learn how to clearly define and communicate goals and expectations.
  • Discover the invaluable place following and yeilding have in strong leadership.
  • Empower your team through transparency and authenticity.

We equip you with the tools to become a leader whom your team understands, respects, celebrates, imitates, and works hard for. Better yet, you will NOT have to walk barefoot across hot coals or scream weird mantras at the top of your lungs to achieve any of this.

We guarantee you’ve never laughed this hard while learning to become a better leader.


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